Thursday, May 5, 2016

Wissahickon Creek Fishing (4-29-16)

On Friday, April 29th, 2016, I went to the Wissahickon Creek to do a little bit of fishing. I started the day out with an in-line spinner and caught nothing. I then switched to an earthworm on a small jig and the action started to heat up. The first fish was a rainbow trout, which I almost brought up. However, since I was on top of a dam, he unhooked himself while I was bringing him up. A little later, he or another rainbow trout bit again. When I got him I ended up jumping into the water so I would not lose him while bringing him up. The water turned out to be much deeper than I had expected, but luckily I had waders on. I then kept him and ate him for dinner (he was stocked, not wild). He was actually extremely tasty. After the trout, I went above the dam where the water was much calmer. I caught a nice rock bass. On my last cast I was able to catch a really nice sized redbreast sunfish, who was also incredibly colorful.

The rainbow trout I caught (keep in mind that if I weren't going to eat the fish, then I would not have put him on the ground)

The rock bass that I caught

The redbreast sunfish

Underside of the sunfish

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