Friday, August 19, 2016

Margate City Fishing (7-23/24-16)

On July 23rd and 24th, 2016, I took Miles down to the shore to do some more saltwater fishing. The fishing wasn't that great, but we ended up catching some fish. I did ad the Smooth Dogfish to my species list, which probably was the highlight of the trip. I actually only caught the Smooth Dogfish and a bunch of Black Sea Bass during the trip.

One of many Black Sea Bass

My very first Smooth Dogfish!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Belmar Fishing (7-16-16)

On July 16th, 2016, my friend Miles took me down to Belmar, in New Jersey. We set up for a wide array of species, and I ended up with for species, two of which were new. The first fish I caught was a tine Black Sea Bass. I caught him while trying to catch what ended up being the second species of the day, the Bergall. The Bergall ended up being a new species for me, which was super awesome! After the Bergall, I caught a 17 inch Summer Flounder. That was a pretty nice fish, except for the fact that the legal limit was 8 inches. So, we released him. My final species of the day, also a new one, turned out to be the Sea Robin. The Sea Robin came with a worthy story. The story was that there were scattered thunderstorms throughout the day and at one point the storm got really bad. However, Miles and I kept fishing. We then in the midst of a dangerous thunderstorm, doubled up on Sea Robin! Overall, it was definitely a memorable day!
A Youtube video will be up on my channel:

As annoying as Black Sea Bass can be, you gotta love their beauty!

My beautiful (and large) Bergall!

My very close to the limit Summer Flounder!

My first ever Sea Robin (notice the pouring rain in the background)!

A huge Sea Robin Miles caught!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Otis, MA Fishing (7-5-16/7-9-16)

Throughout July 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2016, I fished in Otis, MA. I caught a wide variety of species including the largemouth bass, yellow perch, pumpkinseed, bluegill, and chain pickerel.

I caught this lunker bass!

It is always exciting to catch yellow perch because I don't catch them often in Philly

Pumpkinseed are beautiful!

This was a pretty big pickerel!

This is hard to tell, but this was pretty much a slab bluegill!

Margate City Fishing (7-3-16/7-5-16)

Throughout July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 2016, I fished in Margate, New Jersey. The fishing was overall not that great, but I did manage a bunch of black sea bass and one clearnose skate.

A beautiful sea bass!

Even though many people don't like skates I still love them!

Schuylkill River Fishing (6-29-16)

On June 29th, 2016, I went to the Schuylkill River to do some fishing with my friend Miles. I ended up catching my first purebred striped bass and a smallmouth bass or two.

A nice sized smallmouth bass

My first purebred striped bass!

Wissahickon Creek Fishing (6-27-16)

On June 27th, 2016, I went to the Wissahickon Creek to target rout and panfish with my fly rod. I did not catch anything with my fly rod. So, right before I left, I put a crane fly larva onto my spinning rod and casted it out. Within a minute or two I had a beautiful rainbow trout on my line!

There she is!

Wissahickon Creek Fishing (6-20-16)

On June 20th, 2016, I went to the Wissahickon Creek for a short fishing session with my sister Becca. I managed to land two smallmouth bass and one redbreast sunfish.

This guy had great coloring!

One of the two smallmouth bass!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Margate City Fishing (6-18/19-16)

I took a quick trip down to the shore and caught only a spider crab and a clearnose skate. The skate happened to be a new species which was awesome!

Big old spider crab!

My first clearnose skate!

His eyes are awesome!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Schuylkill River Fishing (6-13-16)

On June 13th, 2016, I traveled to the Schuylkill River to do a little bit of fishing. I ended up only catching a small green sunfish or two. Still fun though!

At least he was very pretty!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Schuylkill River Fishing (6-12-16)

On June 12th, 2016, I headed down to the Schuylkill River to do a very short fishing session. I was there for around and hour. However, this short trip indeed was very successful, as I caught my first channel catfish!

A very cute channel catfish!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Cisco Park Fishing (6-10-16)

On June 10th, 2016, I went with my mom and sisters to Cisco Park in Erdenheim, PA. My mom did not fish, but my sisters and I did. I actually caught two new species that day, one being a Creek Chub, and the other being a Pumpkinseed x Green Sunfish Hybrid. I also kept 4 small sunfish to keep in my fish tank at home that is filled with wild-caught fish.

A beautiful green sunfish

My first ever Pumpkinseed x Green Sunfish Hybrid!

My first ever Creek Chub!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Schuylkill River Fishing (6-8-16)

          On June 8th, 2016, I went down to Flat Rock Dam in search of a channel catfish. I specifically bought chicken liver for the purpose of catching channel catfish. However, little did I know, I would catch everything but a channel catfish.
          I biked down to the dam and waded out to my spot. I then set up my gear and started fishing. My first catch happened to be a nice american eel. Most of the time people do not like to catch eel, but it was a new species, so I was happy. After I took photos and released my first culprit, the sky started to darken and it started to pour. There was a cold rain early in the session, but it quickly cleared up. After the storm, I got back out and started to fish again. That was when I caught a nice hybrid striped bass, which also happened to be a new species. I then took pictures and released him. After releasing the bass, my friend Miles came down. The fishing slowed down a lot for me for awhile. Then, right before we were about to leave, there was a nice hit on Miles' rod, and he let me set the hook and fight the fish, mainly because there were many species of fish that I had not caught yet. I was hoping for it to be my first channel catfish, but it ended up being another hybrid striper, which was still totally awesome. So, yeah, two new species in one session is pretty good in my opinion.
          After that great session, Miles and I walked back to our bikes and ended up noticing that mine was stolen, which really brought my mood down. So, the session was overall successful, except for the fact that my bike got stolen. Well, you live, you learn!

My first ever American Eel!

My first ever Hybrid Striped Bass!

My second ever Hybrid Striped Bass!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Manayunk Canal Fishing (6-6-16)

On Monday, June 6th, 2016, I had my last final exam and then headed to the canal. I had a pretty slow, but very successful day. The original plan was to catch a carp, so I set up one rod for carp. I then to out my 5'6" light action rod and put on a little jighead with an earthworm. Immediately, on my first cast with the worm, I caught a huge largemouth bass. I did not weigh the fish, but I think he was at least 3 pounds. I had no action with the carp rod, except for one point, there were a few carp eating my chum and I came kind of close to catching one. After not much action, I packed my bag and started heading to the Flat Rock Dam, but when I crossed over the bridge to the bike path, I saw some other guys fishing. I asked them what they were going for and they said crappie. I had not caught a crappie before, so I wanted to catch one. I set up a little minnow on a jighead with a bobber and started jigging. I ended up catching one pretty large white crappie, which was pretty awesome! It may have been a pretty slow day, but it was definitely a great day!

My large bass

My first crappie (a white crappie)

Wissahickon Creek Fishing (6-3-16)

On Friday, June 3rd, 2016, I went to the Wissahickon Creek with my friend Henry to do a little fishing session. We parked our bikes at the covered bridge and did a little multi-species fishing. My friend was pretty new to fishing so I helped him out and he did pretty well. The bait that caught the most fish was a small minnow (not Gulp) on a little jighead. I caught some redbreast sunfish, rock bass, and a very small smallmouth bass. This was a short, but fun session.

Bad photo, but beautiful smallmouth bass

Pretty redbreast sunfish

Henry with a redbreast sunfish

A little rock bass

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Schuylkill River Fishing (5-31-16)

On Tuesday, May 31st, 2016, I went to the Flat Rock Dam on the Schuylkill River. I met up with my friend Miles. We put out earthworms and some cut and live sunfish for bait. He ended up catching an array of species (a few species of sunfish, a channel cat or two, and a smallmouth bass or two). I on the other hand only managed a couple of smallmouth bass. One of the bass was caught on a worm, while I also brought a bait caster and messed around with a jerkbait, which caught me my other one or two smallmouth bass.

One of my smallmouth bass

A nice channel catfish caught by Miles

A beautiful sunset over Flat Rock Dam to conclude the evening!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Margate City Fishing (5-29-16)

On May 29th, 2016, I was at the shore with my family and wanted to do a little fishing (as always:-)). I had some earthworms and clams. The session started off with me going past a small lagoon/salt marsh. At the marsh, I decided to take out a small hook and a worm (yes, I know that these are earthworms and I was fishing saltwater). I caught one new species of fish, a tiny mummichog, who I think was pregnant. After I released the mummichog, I kept fishing in that spot for a little and did not catch anything. Then, I went to a bridge and fished under it, once again not catching anything. On the way back I stopped at one new spot and the marsh, and ended up to not catch anything. Well, at least I got a new species!

She was very beautiful!

Wissahickon Creek Fishing (5-25-16)

On May 25th, 2016, I was coming home from school and decided to chill out in the Wissahickon Creek. I planned on wading around and little did I know, I would end up having a little fishing session. Well, I was coming home from school and had no gear, but as I was wading around the creek, I ended up finding some old line that had been snagged in the trees. I then took it and found a worm or two and a slug, put it on the hook, and started messing around. I actually caught two fish. The first one was a green sunfish, which was followed by a redbreast sunfish. This was a short, but surprisingly fun session!

It seems my pictures of green sunfish never turn out that good!

A pretty pregnant (at least I think she is pregnant)

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Schuylkill River Fishing (5-22-16)

On Sunday, May 22, 2016, I went to the Schuylkill River with my friend Miles to do a little bit of fishing. However, this was not my average fishing session because I got into a fight with my parents and they ended up taking my rods away (it is all good now). So, this was a pretty short session where I only caught one or two smallmouth bass (haha, since this post is so late, I can't remember how many fish I caught). For the situation at hand, the outcome was obviously pretty good, considering I did not have my own rods. Well, it was fun hanging out with my friend and catching fish.

A beautiful Schuylkill River smallie

Wissahickon Creek Fishing (5-20-16)

On Friday, May 20th, 2016, I went down to the Wissahickon Creek to do a little bit of fishing. I went to the dam close to the Valley Green Inn. The first fish that I caught was a green sunfish, which was caught right below the dam. I then found a couple of largemouth bass above the dam and managed to catch one on the Gulp! Alive minnow. After my largemouth encounter I quickly caught a redbreast sunfish to increase the amount of species I had for that day. I then tried for trout and almost got one from under the dam, but he got off as I was bringing him up. I decided to go a bit downstream to where the water calmed down and there were many trout surfacing. I ended up catching a rock bass but no trout. I think the trout would have preferred a dry fly rather than my tiny nightcrawler. Obviously I would have stayed later, but it was pretty much dark and I had to get back, so I called it a night before I could land a trout. However, this was an overall great session, considering that I found some nice Wissahickon largemouth.

This is not the best picture, but this was the pretty green sunfish

Definitely not the biggest out of the group of them, but still a beautiful fish

What is a Wissahickon fishing session without a colorful redbreast sunfish?!

Sorry for the terrible picture quality (my phone was acting weird), but here is the cute rock bass

Friday, May 27, 2016

Wissahickon Creek Fishing (5-19-16)

On Thursday, May 19th, 2016, I went down to the Wissahickon Creek for a little while. The fishing was pretty slow, but I managed to catch a few redbreast sunfish to keep me from getting skunked. They were caught on Gulp! Alive minnows. Even though the fishing was not very good, it was still a nice night.

One of the redbreast sunfish, which happened to be extremely beautiful!

Another pretty redbreast sunfish

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wissahickon Creek Fishing (5-16-16)

On Monday, May 16th, 2016, I met up with Miles Taylor (another fisherman from Philadelphia. I met him by coincidentally fishing across the dam from him one time). We went to the dam by the covered bridge in the Wissahickon. I caught an array of redbreast sunfish and 2 or so rock bass. The fish were mostly caught on a Gulp! Alive Minnow on a small jig, with the exception of one or two fish being caught on an earthworm. Miles caught a wider array of species including, a brown trout, a rainbow trout, a minuscule smallmouth bass, some rock bass, and a few redbreast sunfish. It was a fun night with a few fish caught. As always, pictures are below.

New record sized rock bass lol

Check out the exquisite colors on this spawning redbreast sunfish!