Thursday, June 23, 2016

Schuylkill River Fishing (6-8-16)

          On June 8th, 2016, I went down to Flat Rock Dam in search of a channel catfish. I specifically bought chicken liver for the purpose of catching channel catfish. However, little did I know, I would catch everything but a channel catfish.
          I biked down to the dam and waded out to my spot. I then set up my gear and started fishing. My first catch happened to be a nice american eel. Most of the time people do not like to catch eel, but it was a new species, so I was happy. After I took photos and released my first culprit, the sky started to darken and it started to pour. There was a cold rain early in the session, but it quickly cleared up. After the storm, I got back out and started to fish again. That was when I caught a nice hybrid striped bass, which also happened to be a new species. I then took pictures and released him. After releasing the bass, my friend Miles came down. The fishing slowed down a lot for me for awhile. Then, right before we were about to leave, there was a nice hit on Miles' rod, and he let me set the hook and fight the fish, mainly because there were many species of fish that I had not caught yet. I was hoping for it to be my first channel catfish, but it ended up being another hybrid striper, which was still totally awesome. So, yeah, two new species in one session is pretty good in my opinion.
          After that great session, Miles and I walked back to our bikes and ended up noticing that mine was stolen, which really brought my mood down. So, the session was overall successful, except for the fact that my bike got stolen. Well, you live, you learn!

My first ever American Eel!

My first ever Hybrid Striped Bass!

My second ever Hybrid Striped Bass!

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