Monday, April 11, 2016

Suburban Wissahickon Creek Fishing (1-10-16)

          Today I went on a short fishing trip. I went to the Wissahickon Creek, however, I set up farther up the creek than I usually go, in the part of the creek that is outside of city limits. Since it was late in the afternoon I only had a little bit of time. I biked to the location with my tackle box  and one of my rods. I started off the trip pretty far up stream and started to go back downstream. The last spot that I went to was my main spot.
          Throughout the 35-40 minutes of time with my line in the water I unfortunately did not catch anything. The water was rough and high due to recent rain. On the bright side, it was an enjoyable trip and I got to explore a place that I have not been to in a long time. Even though I did not catch anything today, this is still a great location. I have been to this spot before, in warmer weather and saw much more life. This part of the creek is also stocked with trout during the trout season. Below are some pictures from the trip. 

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